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「manual development department」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~5/5件中)

訳語 manual development department...
語源From silva (“forest”) +‎ -ics, from Latin silva.名詞silvics (uncountable)(forestry) The study ...
語源From the phrase warm up with -er applied.名詞warmer-upper (複数形 warmer-uppers)An act of warming up (p...
WOTD – 15 December 2017語源 A sample of greensandgreen +‎ sand.発音(Received 発音) IPA(key): ...
WOTD – 20 April 2019語源 The nauplius of a shrimpBorrowed from New Latin Nauplius (former genus na...
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