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「one's prop」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/161件中)

one's prop (and stay)...
one-piece set,prop,mine props,prop post,mine prop...
one-piece set,prop,mine props,prop post,mine prop...
語源Blend of Prop 8 +‎ hate.固有名詞Prop H8(derogatory, US politics) The Californian proposition...
one's only [last] hope; one's last resort; one's mainstay用例頼みの綱が切れた. I've lost my last prop.|My last...
名詞allethrolone (uncountable)(organic chemistry) The cyclic ketone 4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-prop-2-enylcy...
名詞isobavachalcone (uncountable)(organic chemistry) The prenylated chalcone (~{E})-1-[2,4-dihydroxy-3...
語源oro- +‎ selone名詞oroselone (uncountable)(organic chemistry) The furanocoumarin 8-prop-1-en-2-...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2017/03/16 21:16 UTC 版)語源underset +‎ -er名詞undersetter (複数形 undersetters)One who, or...
読み方 もたせかける他動詞To lean, rest, place, set, stand, prop up (one thing) against (another)用例傘を壁にもたせかけたI st...
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