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「point sequence」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/166件中)

vanishing point sequence...
名詞sequence pointsplural of sequence point...
語源hemi- +‎ continuous形容詞hemicontinuous (not comparable)(mathematics) Having the property that ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/04 20:56 UTC 版)The start codon is generally defined as the point, sequence, ...
名詞sequence point (複数形 sequence points)(programming) Any point during a computer program's execution ...
語源Combined from att from attachment, and B for bacterium.名詞attB(biology) The gene sequence of a bact...
語源Combined from att from attachment, and P for phage.名詞attP(biology) The gene sequence of a phage at...
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