英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


名詞glycerotoxin (複数形 glycerotoxins)A neurotoxin present in the polychete Glycera convoluta...
名詞arenicolid (複数形 arenicolids)(zoology) Any of the polychete worms in the family Arenicolidae.アナグラムl...
名詞clam worm (複数形 clam worms)A polychete worm, Nereis succinea....
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/09/06 21:28 UTC 版) 名詞polychetesPlural form of polychete....
名詞polychete (複数形 polychetes)Any of many annelid worms, of the class Polychaeta, such as the lugworm;...
【名詞】1軟体の多毛類の海洋性蠕虫(genus of soft-bodied polychete marine worms)...
【名詞】1軟体の多毛類の海洋性蠕虫(genus of soft-bodied polychete marine worms)...
発音IPA(key): /ˈpɒlɪkiːt/名詞polychaete (複数形 polychaetes)Alternative spelling of polychete関連する語polyc...
【名詞】1 polychaeta, class polychaeta海洋環形動物(marine annelid worms)2 polychete, polychete worm, polychaet...
別の表記bloodworm名詞blood worm (複数形 blood worms)A larva of any chironomid midge in the (family Chironomid...
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