英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


be utterly scandalized at...
feel [be] utterly scandalized at...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/10/29 11:14 UTC 版) 動詞scandalizedSimple past tense and past participle of scand...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2013/03/15 17:41 UTC 版) 語源un- +‎ scandalized 形容詞unscandalized (comparative more uns...
あきれ果てるbe utterly scandalized 《at》困り果てるbe at one's wits' end疲れ果てるbe tired outbe worn out変わり果てる ⇒かわりはて...
あきれ果てるbe utterly scandalized 《at》困り果てるbe at one's wits' end疲れ果てるbe tired outbe worn out変わり果てる ⇒かわりはて...
読み方 ぼうれい名詞Atrocity; outrage用例ドイツの暴戻を憤慨せざる者無しEverybody was scandalized at German atrocities....
読み方 ぼうれい名詞Atrocity; outrage用例ドイツの暴戻を憤慨せざる者無しEverybody was scandalized at German atrocities....
読み方 ふんがい名詞Indignation; resentment:(=する) to resent (an insult); to be indignant (at injustice); to be...
読み方 ふんがい名詞Indignation; resentment:(=する) to resent (an insult); to be indignant (at injustice); to be...
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