英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


出典:『Wiktionary』 (2013/11/25 12:01 UTC 版)動詞scandalisedSimple past tense and past participle of scanda...
読み方 ばんこう名詞A barbarity; an atrocity; vandalism用例ドイツ軍の蛮行を見て反感を起さぬ者は無いAll the world was scandalized at ...
読み方 ばんこう名詞A barbarity; an atrocity; vandalism用例ドイツ軍の蛮行を見て反感を起さぬ者は無いAll the world was scandalized at ...
読み方 にがにがしい形容詞相当語句Painful (subject); scandalous (behaviour); scandalized (countenance); shameful (con...
読み方 にがにがしい形容詞相当語句Painful (subject); scandalous (behaviour); scandalized (countenance); shameful (con...
語源scandalize +‎ -able発音IPA(key): /ˌskændəˈlaɪzəbəl/形容詞scandalizable (comparative more scan...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/11/05 05:54 UTC 版)Robert Hoyzer (born 28 August 1979 in West Berlin, West Germa...
be amazed 《at》be disgusted 《with, at》be shocked 《at》be appalled 《at》be scandalized 《at》《口語》 be stagg...
be amazed 《at》be disgusted 《with, at》be shocked 《at》be appalled 《at》be scandalized 《at》《口語》 be stagg...
読み方 はんかん名詞Adverse feeling; ill feeling; odium; scandal; revulsion; shock用例反感を懐くto harbour ill feelin...

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