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「see red」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/1116件中)

動詞seeing redpresent participle of see red...
動詞seen redpast participle of see red...
動詞saw redsimple past tense of see red...
訳語 Where can I see red-crowned cranes?...
Soviet red scarf名詞red scarf (複数形 red scarves または red scarfs)Used other than figuratively or idiomati...
語源red +‎ Russia; see red (“communist”).固有名詞Red Russia (複数形 undefined)(dated, derogatory) t...
語源See "red-handed"動詞catch someone red-handed (三人称単数 現在形 catching someone red-handed, 現在分詞 catches so...
fruit of Syzygium ingens名詞red apple (複数形 red apples)Syzygium ingens, an Australian tree.Used other t...
名詞red mud (uncountable)(extractive metallurgy) A mixture of solid and metallic oxide-bearing impurit...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2017/03/21 15:59 UTC 版)動詞sees redthird-person singular simple present indicative fo...
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