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読み方:ベニバナイチゴ、べにばないちご文法情報(名詞)(かな表記が多い)対訳 Rubus vernus (species of raspberry)...
読み方:ベニバナイチゴ、べにばないちご文法情報(名詞)(かな表記が多い)対訳 Rubus vernus (species of raspberry)...
読み方:ベニバナイチゴ、べにばないちご文法情報(名詞)(かな表記が多い)対訳 Rubus vernus (species of raspberry)...
【名詞】1 spring vetchling, spring vetch, lathyrus vernus下垂するスミレ色のがかった青い総状花序の花を持つ、ヨーロッパのやぶ状の多年生植物(bushy ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/07/12 04:18 UTC 版)Crocus vernus (Spring crocus, Giant Dutch crocus) is a plant ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/07/24 16:02 UTC 版)Crocus flavus (syn. Crocus luteus, Crocus aureus Sibth. & Sm....
語源From New Latin vernātiō, from Latin vernāre (“to be verdant, to flourish”) + -tiō (“-tion: forming...
語源Calque of French égyptien de tradition.固有名詞Traditional Egyptian(linguistics, historical) Synon...
語源Borrowed from Demotic qt, from Egyptian qdt, with the vowels supplied by the word’s descendant, Co...
語源From vernus ("spring") + coma ("hair")発音(Classical) IPA(key): /u̯erˈni.ko.mus/, [u̯ɛrˈnɪkɔmʊs̠...
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