英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


【名詞】negligence, neglect, carelessness, nonperformance道理をわきまえた人が同じ状況下で行う思慮のない行動(failure to act with t...
【名詞】1 negligence, neglect, carelessness, nonperformance道理をわきまえた人が同じ状況下で行う思慮のない行動(failure to act with...
【名詞】1道理をわきまえた人が同じ状況下で行う思慮のない行動(failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exerc...
【名詞】1道理をわきまえた人が同じ状況下で行う思慮のない行動(failure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exerc...
【動詞】neglect世話を怠る(fail to attend to)he neglects his children 彼は子供を無視する【名詞】1 neglect, disregard世話と注意の故...
【名詞】1 negligence, neglect, carelessness, nonperformance道理をわきまえた人が同じ状況下で行う思慮のない行動(failure to act with...
【形容詞】1 unconscious意識がない(not conscious)lay unconscious on the floor 無意識の状態で、床に横たわった2 unconscious意識的な意...
1〈両者とも同じ状況下にある〉《be》 faced with the same problem(s) [predicament(s)]; 《be》 (all) in the same boat.用例ぼ...
【名詞】1 misdeed, misbehavior, misbehaviour不正な、邪悪な、あるいは非道徳的な行為(improper or wicked or immoral behavior)2...
【名詞】1 misdeed, misbehavior, misbehaviour不正な、邪悪な、あるいは非道徳的な行為(improper or wicked or immoral behavior)2...

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