英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


読み方 うむ他動詞1(女は)to bear (children); to give birth to (a child); to bring forth (a child):(男親は)to beget...
読み方 うむ他動詞1(女は)to bear (children); to give birth to (a child); to bring forth (a child):(男親は)to beget...
読み方 うむ他動詞1(女は)to bear (children); to give birth to (a child); to bring forth (a child):(男親は)to beget...
読み方 こころ名詞1(考える心)mind:(感ずる心)heart a(心が)用例あの人は心が善いHe has a good heartHe is good-hearted.心が悪いHe has an ...
読み方 こころ名詞1(考える心)mind:(感ずる心)heart a(心が)用例あの人は心が善いHe has a good heartHe is good-hearted.心が悪いHe has an ...
読み方 こ名詞1A child(複数―children):(男の子)a boy; a son:(女の子)a girl; a daughter:(集合的に言えば)little one's; a fami...
読み方 こ名詞1A child(複数―children):(男の子)a boy; a son:(女の子)a girl; a daughter:(集合的に言えば)little one's; a fami...
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