英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


Sense: to cease an activity同意語call it quitsconcludefinish    [WS]quit反意語begininitiatep...
Sense: to act in accordance with expectations同意語blow with the wind (慣用的用法)complyconformfall in line ...
何時も, 慣用的, 在り来たり, 在り来り, 在りきたり, 伝統的, 慣習的, 慣例的, 習慣的...
Sense: to admit to the truth同意語acknowledgeadmitassent    [WS]avowbeknowcome clean (慣用的...
Sense: at relatively infrequent intervalsDetail: Of an abnormal frequency (not necessarily in an abn...
Sense: without approximation, error or deviation同意語accuratelycorrectlydead-nutsdefinitelydirectlyeve...
Sense: up to this point in time同意語as yet (慣用的用法)as of yet (慣用的用法, perhaps 一般的ではない用法)erenowherebefore...
Sense: about to happen同意語around the corner (慣用的用法)at handforthcomingimminentimpendentimpendingin the...
動詞(intransitive)Sense: to come into view; to become visible同意語appearcome forthemergeforthcomeheave i...
Sense: a toast used when drinking in company同意語bottoms upcheerschin-chin (古風な用法)down the hatch (慣用的用...

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