英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


1第二財形という,財形貯蓄の給付金制度例文a system of providing money from nest-egg savings named the second nest-egg2積み立...
1適格退職年金という,民間の企業年金例文an annuity of a private enterprise, called {qualified annuity}2企業年金という,民間企業の制度によ...
1財形年金貯蓄制度という,勤労者の貯蓄における制度例文a system based on a worker's individual efforts which fosters personal pe...
1出面勘定という賃金制度例文a wage system called daily payment2転勤労働者からの借上げ制度例文lease-from-transferred-employees sys...
1勤労者財産形成制度を利用した貯蓄例文savings accumulated by using a system called a workers' asset formation system2所得...
1所得保障制度という,現金給付を行う社会保障制度例文a social security system designed as an income security system2所得保障という,社会保...
1第二財形という,財形貯蓄の給付金制度例文a system of providing money from nest-egg savings named the second nest-egg2積み立...
1第一財形という,勤労者の貯蓄制度例文a wage earner's savings system called "first saving system for promoting workers'...
1第二財形という,財形貯蓄の給付金制度例文a system of providing money from nest-egg savings named the second nest-egg2公債収...
1転勤労働者からの借上げ制度例文lease-from-transferred-employees system2企業の純益の配当を従業員が受ける制度例文a system in which employ...

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