英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


読み方:ほおづえをつく頬づえをつく、頬杖を突く とも書く文法情報(表現、動詞カ行五段活用)対訳 to rest one's chin in one's hands...
読み方:ほおづえをつく頬づえをつく、頬杖を突く とも書く文法情報(表現、動詞カ行五段活用)対訳 to rest one's chin in one's hands...
読み方:ほおづえをつく頬づえをつく、頬杖を突く とも書く文法情報(表現、動詞カ行五段活用)対訳 to rest one's chin in one's hands...
読み方 つく他動詞To thrust; to poke; to prod; to strike; to stab用例剣で突くto thrust at a man―lunge at a man―stic...
読み方 つく他動詞To thrust; to poke; to prod; to strike; to stab用例剣で突くto thrust at a man―lunge at a man―stic...
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