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「Muscle, trunk」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/83件中)

【名詞】1胴または頭の骨格筋(a skeletal muscle of the trunk or head)...
名詞psoas minor(anatomy) The psoas muscle involved in the flexion of the trunk, specifically the lumba...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2009/11/13 06:30 UTC 版)The costocervical trunk arises from the upper and back part o...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2017/03/31 21:33 UTC 版)musclewood trunk語源muscle (“from the sinewy appearance of the...
1骨格筋例文skeletal muscles2頚部傍脊柱筋例文cervical paraspinal muscle3収縮筋例文a contractor4大腿二頭筋例文the biceps muscle...
1骨格筋例文skeletal muscles2収縮筋例文a contractor3大腿二頭筋例文the biceps muscle of the thigh4頚部傍脊柱筋例文cervical para...
1下歯槽動脈例文inferior alveolar artery2骨格筋例文skeletal muscles3大腿二頭筋例文the biceps muscle of the thigh4収縮筋例文a ...
1顎動脈枝例文branch of the maxillary artery2骨格筋例文skeletal muscles3頚部傍脊柱筋例文cervical paraspinal muscle4収縮筋例文...
1骨格筋例文skeletal muscles2真肋骨例文a true rib3頚部傍脊柱筋例文cervical paraspinal muscle4仮肋骨例文a false rib5大腿二頭筋例文th...
1顎動脈枝例文branch of the maxillary artery2骨格筋例文skeletal muscles3頚部傍脊柱筋例文cervical paraspinal muscle4大腿二頭筋...

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