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「PA method」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/104件中)

名詞venesection (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 venesections)(medicine) Cutting open or exposing a vein...
1支払い方法を選択して下さい例文Select the payment method.2支払い方法例文the method of payment3支払い方法例文How payment should be...
別の表記atar, athar, ittar, ottar, otter, otto, âta語源Borrowed from Persian عطر‎ (atir, “scent”), f...
語源un- +‎ rained形容詞unrained (not comparable)Not rained upon.1970, Franklin Institute (Philadelp...
1激論例文a heated argument2支障例文a hindrance3陰口例文backbiting4打順例文the batting order5邪推例文wicked conjecture6立破...
1ウスグロチャタテ例文booklice2控えの間例文antechamber3座頭例文the leading actor―(女なら)―the prima donna4支障例文a hindrance5試掘...
1メリヤスを編む機械例文a machine designed to make knitted fabrics2リーバーレース編み機例文a leaver lace machine3壊れた毛糸編み機例文a...
1ろうけつ染めにすること例文an act of printing using the batik method2丁子染めという染め物例文a method of dyeing called clove ...
1昔風例文the condition of something being made in an old-fashioned style2昔風な例文the state of something bei...

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