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「Prefectural governors」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/57件中)

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/28 13:23 UTC 版)The 17th unified regional elections (dai-jūnana-kai tōitsu ch...
1評議会例文a council2会議室例文the council-chamber3運営委員会例文a steering committee4諮問委員会.例文a prudential committee5...
1県警察本部例文a prefectural main police office2北海道庁例文the Hokkaido office3管区警察局という,警察庁の地方機関例文in Japan, a pa...
1県警察本部例文a prefectural main police office2北海道庁例文the Hokkaido office3地方官庁例文provincial government4民政庁例文...
1県警察本部例文a prefectural main police office2北海道庁例文the Hokkaido office3(都道府県庁の)支庁例文in Japan, branch offi...
1委員長例文the chairman of the committee2同盟の議長例文president of the alliance3枢密院議長例文the President of the Pri...
1列国会議例文a conference of the Powers2府議会例文a prefectural legislature3内閣会議例文a Cabinet council4内閣会議例文a cou...
1地域社会の著名なメンバー例文eminent members of the community2府参事会員例文a prefectural councillor3府参事会員例文an alderman4一...
1市会議事堂例文the City Hall2会合場所例文a meeting place3集会所例文a meeting place41つの会合例文a meeting5集会所例文a meeting-hou...
1地方官庁例文provincial government2地方政府例文a local government3県治局例文the Prefectural Bureau4民政局例文the Bureau of...

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