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「Sunday best」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/615件中)

出典:『Wiktionary』 (2009/01/20 23:25 UTC 版) 名詞Sunday-best (uncountable)Alternative spelling of Sunday b...
形容詞Sunday-go-to-meeting (not comparable)(usually of clothes) Suitable for wearing to church;...
読み方 はれぎ名詞One's best (clothes); one's Sunday clothes; one's Sunday best; gala-dress用例皆、晴れ着を着ているThey a...
〈持っている唯一の服〉 the only proper (suit of) clothes one has〈晴れ着〉 one's best clothes; 《in》 one's Sunday bes...
〈持っている唯一の服〉 the only proper (suit of) clothes one has〈晴れ着〉 one's best clothes; 《in》 one's Sunday bes...
音節Sùnday clóthes名詞=『Sunday best』...
読み方 みごろ形容詞相当語句(To be) at its best用例花は見頃だThe blossoms are at their best.次の日曜は見頃だThey will be at their...
読み方 みごろ形容詞相当語句(To be) at its best用例花は見頃だThe blossoms are at their best.次の日曜は見頃だThey will be at their...
1次の月曜日例文next Monday2再来週の日曜日例文a week next Sunday3来週の日曜日例文Sunday week4次の日曜に行く例文I shall be there next S...
1〈外出用の服装, 晴れ着〉《in》 one's best clothes; 《in》 one's Sunday best.2〈かしこまった言葉・態度〉よそ行きのformal 《language》《口...

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