英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「all ready」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/5056件中)

We are all but ready for the cold winter....
訳語 I am not ready to go. In fact, I am not ready at all...
ready‐made all porcelain dowel crown...
ready‐made all porcelain dowel crown...
訳語 all ready to rain on someone's parade...
Despite all my efforts, I will not have the report ready by Friday....
1チャンと決まっている例文It is irrevocably fixed―a settled affair―a done thing.2チャンとできている例文It is all ready―(出来合い...
語源Originally used in the aerospace industry to indicate preparedness to launch.成句all systems go(info...
読み方:じゅんびばんたん文法情報(表現)対訳 fully prepared; all ready...
読み方:じゅんびばんたん文法情報(表現)対訳 fully prepared; all ready...

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