英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


sulphur bichloride,sulphur dichloride...
mercuric chloride,bichloride of mercury...
語源bi- +‎ chloride名詞bichloride (複数形 bichlorides)(chemistry) A dichloride.派生語bichloride of mercu...
platinum bichloride,platinous chloride,platinum dichloride...
読み方 しょうこう名詞Corrosive sublimate; bichloride of mercury...
読み方 しょうこう名詞Corrosive sublimate; bichloride of mercury...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/09/02 04:05 UTC 版) 名詞bichloridesPlural form of bichloride....
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2011/03/28 22:32 UTC 版) 接頭辞palladio-(chemistry) palladium 派生語palladio-bichloridepal...
【名詞】bichloride, dichloride分子1つに2つの塩素原子を含む化合物(a compound containing two chlorine atoms per molecule)...

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