英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


Dana Biosphere Reserve...
語源biosphere +‎ -ic形容詞biospheric (not comparable)Of or relating to the biosphere or to biospher...
Intern. Geosphere‐Biosphere Programme; Intern. Geosphere‐Biosphere Program...
Intern. Geosphere-Biosphere Program; IGBP; International Geosphere‐Biosphere Programme...
Intern. Geosphere-Biosphere Program; IGBP; International Geosphere‐Biosphere Programme...
Intern. Geosphere‐Biosphere Programme; IGBP...
Intern. Geosphere‐Biosphere Programme; IGBP...
固有名詞WNBRInitialism of World Network of Biosphere Reserves....

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