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「call forth」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/175件中)

アクセントcáll óut《 【他動詞】+ 【副詞】》(1) 〈…を〉大声で呼ぶ (⇒call 【他動詞】 A1a,b).(2) 〈…を〉呼び出す, 出動させる.用例The National Guar...
【動詞】1 call forth, conjure, stir, evoke, arouse, conjure up, invoke, put forward, call down, raise, b...
【動詞】1 awaken気付かせる(make aware)They were awakened to the sad facts 彼らは、その悲しい事実に目が覚めた2 paint a picture,...
【動詞】1 summon, marshal, mobilise, mobilize動作または使用のために準備をする(make ready for action or use)marshal resou...
名詞callot (複数形 callots)Obsolete spelling of calotte (“skullcap”)1621 August 13 (first performance; Gr...
語源From chief +‎ -less.形容詞chiefless (not comparable)Without a chief; leaderless.1886, Robert Lo...
形容詞formicatory (comparative more formicatory, superlative most formicatory)Of or relating to formica...
English phrasebookThis entry is part of the phrasebook project, which presents criteria for inclusio...
別の表記lobotomisation語源lobotomize +‎ -ation名詞lobotomization (uncountable)Performing a lobotomy, t...
語源tic +‎ -y形容詞ticcy (comparative more ticcy, superlative most ticcy)Exhibiting tics.1973, Oliv...

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