英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/08/31 23:33 UTC 版) 名詞catheadsPlural form of cathead....
名詞cathead biscuit (複数形 cathead biscuits)(US) A large fluffy biscuit, typically served with gravy.196...
語源cat +‎ head名詞cathead (複数形 catheads)(nautical) A heavy piece of timber projecting from each s...
語源cat +‎ fall?名詞catfall (複数形 catfalls)(nautical) A rope used in hoisting the anchor to the cat...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/05 01:37 UTC 版)The Fox Islands consist of the North Fox and South Fox island...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/04/03 22:10 UTC 版)語源See cock ‎(“to set erect”).動詞cockbill ‎(三人称単数 現在形 cockbill...
語源Borrowed from Afrikaans katkop (字義どおりに “cat's head”) (from kat +‎ kop), due to its shape res...
間投詞hubba-whaUsed to express disbelief or surprise.2011 May 9, Reggie Fanelli, “11 teams?”, in rec.sp...
Man-of-war with yards a-cockbill語源acock (“In a cocked または turned-up fashion”, adverb) +‎ bill ...
音節cat 発音記号/kt/音声を聞く【名詞】1【可算名詞】a猫 《★【解説】 猫はなかなか死なない生き物とされ,A cat has nine lives. (猫には命が九つある)とか,Care ki...
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