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「climbing iron」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~18/21件中)

flip dog (yoga pose)名詞flip dog (複数形 flip dogs)(archaic) A heated iron used to warm flip (the drink)....
別の表記booboo, boo boo語源Possibly from bug-a-boo, an imaginary evil goblin.Possibly from bubo, a swollen...
WOTD – 24 July 2007語源From Middle English serpentine, from Old French serpentin, from Latin serpe...
WOTD – 3 June 2016Two marines practicing grappling techniques during a United States Marine Corp...
動詞gob up (三人称単数 現在形 gobs up, 現在分詞 gobbing up, 過去形および過去分詞形 gobbed up)To gobble; to consume.1909, Émil...
WOTD – 29 August 2020語源 A pushbike manufactured in 1940 by the G. Ērenpreis Bicycle Factory with...
WOTD – 20 December 2020発音(Received 発音, General American) enPR: skrăm, IPA(key): /skɹæm/....
別の表記New-Yorkian (まれに)Newyorkian (まれに)語源From New York +‎ -ian.形容詞New Yorkian (comparative more ...
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