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「corn flour」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/76件中)

読み方:とうもろこしこ、トウモロコシコCorn flour...
語源mill +‎ dust名詞milldust (uncountable)The fine, flour-like dust produced when corn or wheat is...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/20 19:26 UTC 版)A gristmill or grist mill is a building in which grain is gro...
コーンフラワーコーンフラワー (英語: corn flour) は、トウモロコシを挽いて作られた穀粉である。
読み方 ふるう他動詞To sieve, bolt (corn from chaff); to sift, bolt (truth from falsehood); to screen, riddle ...
読み方 ふるう他動詞To sieve, bolt (corn from chaff); to sift, bolt (truth from falsehood); to screen, riddle ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/20 19:47 UTC 版)An arepa is a dish made of ground corn dough or cooked corn f...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/03/14 15:33 UTC 版)A corn cookie is a variant of the traditional American sugar ...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2008/07/14 02:20 UTC 版) 名詞pandebono (uncountable)A type of cheese bread made with f...
名詞seed corn (uncountable)(agriculture) Seed that is saved from one year's harvest for the subsequent...

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