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「devastation 」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/235件中)

読み方:こうはい文法情報(名詞、サ変名詞、自動詞)対訳 ruin; destruction; devastation; waste; decay...
It is said that several victims of the tsunami think that the devastation they saw was the kind that...
読み方:かいめつ潰滅 とも書く文法情報(名詞、サ変名詞、自動詞)対訳 (complete) destruction; annihilation; devastation...
読み方:かいめつ潰滅 とも書く文法情報(名詞、サ変名詞、自動詞)対訳 (complete) destruction; annihilation; devastation...
読み方:かいめつ潰滅 とも書く文法情報(名詞、サ変名詞、自動詞)対訳 (complete) destruction; annihilation; devastation...
【形容詞】1徹底な破壊の予言のまたは最終的な運命(prophetic of devastation or ultimate doom)...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/30 19:22 UTC 版)Devastation is a first-person shooter video game, developed b...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/10/11 21:42 UTC 版)HMS Thunderer was a British Royal Navy Devastation-class batt...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2014/03/20 19:35 UTC 版)語源devastation +‎ -al形容詞devastational (comparative more devas...
the disasters [devastation, 【形式ばった表現】 ravages, 【形式ばった表現】 afflictions, horrors] of warwar damage戦禍を被っ...

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