英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


He decided to seek information elsewhere....
別記の通りas stated elsewhere [in a separate paragraph]....
別記の通りas stated elsewhere [in a separate paragraph]....
別掲のとおりas noted [shown, mentioned] elsewhere....
別掲のとおりas noted [shown, mentioned] elsewhere....
Elsewhere in the Bay Area, Halloween is a traditional family affair....
動詞take one's business elsewhere (三人称単数 現在形 takes one's business elsewhere, 現在分詞 taking one's busines...
語源From herein +‎ elsewhere.副詞hereinelsewhere (not comparable)(in metatextual self-reference) E...
語源From Scots ithergates.副詞ithergates (not comparable)(Ulster) elsewhere...
対訳 RIPL解説The ability to start a computer from elsewhere on a network....

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