英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


出典:『Wiktionary』 (2013/10/06 12:11 UTC 版)語源From Middle English grace, from Old French grace (Modern F...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2013/10/06 12:11 UTC 版)語源From Middle English grace, from Old French grace (Modern F...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2013/10/06 12:11 UTC 版)語源From Middle English grace, from Old French grace (Modern F...
語源glass +‎ -ery名詞glassery (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 glasseries)(countable) A business tha...
語源From Middle English luveful; equivalent to love +‎ -ful.形容詞loveful (comparative more loveful...
読み方 あいさつ名詞1(=返答)an answer; a reply:(=する) to answer (a question); to reply (to a speech, etc.)用例挨拶に当惑...
読み方 あいさつ名詞1(=返答)an answer; a reply:(=する) to answer (a question); to reply (to a speech, etc.)用例挨拶に当惑...
WOTD – 22 November 2019語源 The notes in smaller type with slashes through them on the left of the...
The size of a micromoon in comparison with a supermoon語源micro- +‎ moon名詞micromoon (複数形 micromo...
語源From gnome +‎ -cide.名詞gnomicide (uncountable)The destroying of a gnome.1949 December 2, Tom ...
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