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「hair loss」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/425件中)

名詞fox evil (uncountable)(obsolete) Loss of hair through disease; alopecia....
読み方:とくとうびょう文法情報(名詞)対訳 alopecia; loss of hair...
読み方:とくとうびょう文法情報(名詞)対訳 alopecia; loss of hair...
〈抜けること〉 loss of hair〈抜くこと〉 removal of hair; depilation.脱毛クリームdepilatory cream....
名詞alopecia capitis totalis (uncountable)(medicine, dermatology) loss of hair from the entire sca...
名詞telogen effluvium (uncountable)(dermatology) A form of rapid hair loss, causing hair to fall out, ...
名詞hair loss (uncountable)(medicine, dermatology) Loss of hair from the head or body due to a med...
【名詞】1(特に頭の)毛、または羊毛や羽毛を失うこと(loss of hair (especially on the head) or loss of wool or feathers)...
語源alopecia (“loss of hair”) +‎ androgenetica (“genetic to men”)名詞alopecia androgenetica (uncou...
名詞alopecia totalis (uncountable)(medicine, dermatology) loss of hair from the entire scalp and f...

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