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「have one's hair cut」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/752件中)

a short haircutショートカットにするhave one's hair cut short....
〈髪を〉 cut [trim] 《somebody's hair》 short髪を短く刈り上げてもらうhave one's hair cut short....
〈髪を〉 cut [trim] 《somebody's hair》 short髪を短く刈り上げてもらうhave one's hair cut short....
a crew cuta square cut [haircut]角刈りにするhave one's hair cut square....
a crew cuta square cut [haircut]角刈りにするhave one's hair cut square....
読み方:あたまをかる文法情報(表現、動詞ラ行五段活用)対訳 to have one's hair cut; to cut one's hair...
読み方:あたまをかる文法情報(表現、動詞ラ行五段活用)対訳 to have one's hair cut; to cut one's hair...
五分刈りにするhave one's hair cut [cropped] short五分刈り頭a short‐cropped heada crew‐cut head...
1三つ編み髪例文plait hair2ほつれて下がった髪の毛例文straggling hair3髪の毛を刈る例文to cut hair4髪をカールしてください例文crimp hair5散切り頭例文cr...
1髪の毛を切る例文to get a haircut2髪を切る例文to cut off one's hair3髪の毛を刈る例文to cut hair4髪を刈る例文to cut one's hair―(刈...

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