英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/03/01 23:11 UTC 版)Inroad is an unincorporated community in Adair County, Kentuc...
読み方 にゅうこう名詞An invasion (of a country); an inroad (on a country); an irruption (into a country); an i...
読み方 にゅうこう名詞An invasion (of a country); an inroad (on a country); an irruption (into a country); an i...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/28 12:45 UTC 版)The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhu...
読み方 くいとめる他動詞To check (the enemy); to hold (the enemy) in check; to keep (an epidemic) at bay; to ste...
読み方 くいとめる他動詞To check (the enemy); to hold (the enemy) in check; to keep (an epidemic) at bay; to ste...
固有名詞Ardoin (複数形 Ardoins)A surname​.統計情報According to the 2010 United States Census, Ardoin is the 837...
名詞radion (複数形 radions)(physics) The radius modulus of an extra dimension in a compactification. Coin...
1国土全体例文the whole territory of a nation2国土を保全する例文to preserve the integrity of the territory―preserve ...
【名詞】1 inroad不法侵入または侵入(an encroachment or intrusion)they made inroads in the United States market 彼らは...

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