英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


Please choose from the two menus below....
Yes, could we have the breakfast and dinner menus?...
名詞burger menu (複数形 burger menus)Synonym of hamburger menu...
名詞dégustation menusplural of dégustation menu...
名詞enumsplural of enumアナグラムmenus, neums...
名詞menusplural of menuアナグラムenums, neums...
名詞neumsplural of neumアナグラムenums, menus...
文法情報(名詞)対訳(esp. on school menus) curry and rice...
対訳 Gopher サーバー解説The software that provides menus and files to a Gopher user....
More brain-boosting cheese on school lunch menus, perhaps?...

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