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「northwestern United States」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/891件中)

【名詞】or, beaver state, oregon太平洋に臨む米国北西部の州(a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific)...
【名詞】or, beaver state, oregon太平洋に臨む米国北西部の州(a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific)...
【名詞】or, beaver state, oregon太平洋に臨む米国北西部の州(a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific)...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/09 08:02 UTC 版)The Northwestern Fritillary (Speyeria hesperis) is a butterfl...
固有名詞Big BendA census-designated place in Shasta County, California, United States.A bend in the Rio ...
名詞lemon lily (複数形 lemon lilies)Lilium parryi, a rare lily native to the southwestern United States a...
【名詞】1米国北西部の大型の価値あるコノテガシワの類(large valuable arborvitae of northwestern United States)...
【名詞】1米国北西部の大型の価値あるコノテガシワの類(large valuable arborvitae of northwestern United States)...
【名詞】1米国北西部の大型の価値あるコノテガシワの類(large valuable arborvitae of northwestern United States)...
【名詞】treasure state, mt, montanaカナダ国境と接する米国北西部の州(a state in northwestern United States on the Canadia...

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