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「savage animal」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/66件中)

1野生のけもの例文wild beast2全身が毛で覆われた四足の哺乳動物例文a beast3けだもの例文a beast4生き物例文a creature5珍しい獣例文a rare animal6野獣.例...
別の表記clovenfooted語源From Middle English clovefote, from cloven + foot + -ed.形容詞cloven-footed (not comp...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/04 11:05 UTC 版)The Isle of Man Incinerator was designed by Savage & Chadwick...
1獰猛な野獣.例文a savage beast2有害な獣例文a harmful animal3猛き獣例文a fierce beast4野獣例文a wild beast5猛獣,肉食獣例文a beast ...
語源First appeared in John Dryden's heroic play The Conquest of Granada (1672), where it was used by t...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/29 16:55 UTC 版)Project CHATTER was a United States Navy program beginning in...
1超自然的存在.例文supernatural beings2超人的なもの例文superhuman beings3天人例文celestial beings4明晰な存在例文articulate being...
1タイガースネーク例文tiger snakes2ヒトリガ類例文tiger moths3ハンミョウ例文tiger beetles4イタチザメ例文tiger sharks5虎の子例文a tiger-cub...
名詞guyanosa (複数形 guyanosas)Alternative form of guyascutus1849, Charles Fenno Hoffman, ‎Timothy Flint,...
別の表記aruspicy語源From Latin haruspicium, from haruspex (“diviner of entrails”) + -ium (forming abstract...

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