英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「section under charge」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/245件中)

1区域内例文within the limits―within the boundary2伝染区域例文an infected area3区域の外例文the outside of a certain di...
1区域内例文within the limits―within the boundary2受け持ち区域例文the section under one's charge3区域を定める例文to fix th...
1区域内例文within the limits―within the boundary2区域を定める例文to fix the boundary―fix the limits3区域内を一巡する例文to ...
1誰が彼らのクラスの担任になるのだろうか。例文Who will take charge of their class?2このクラスの担任は誰ですか。例文Who is responsible for t...
1受け持ち区域例文the section under one's charge2居住地域例文settled areas3温帯例文the temperate zone4占領区域例文the limits ...
1遠洋区域という航行区域例文the part of the sea outside the territorial jurisdiction or maritime belt of any count...
1誰がコーラスを指揮しますか。例文Who leads the chorus?2誰が出納を司るか例文Who has charge of revenue and expenditure?―who hold...
1受け持ち区域例文the section under one's charge2伝染区域例文an infected area3占領区域例文the limits of occupied territor...
1占領区域例文the limits of occupied territory2受け持ち区域例文the section under one's charge3区域を定める例文to fix the bo...
1地雷火装置区域例文a mine-field2地雷が埋められた地域例文a region in which explosives mines have been placed3区域を隔てるしきり例文a ...

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