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「sexual relationship」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(11~20/689件中)

【名詞】1通常秘密の、あるいは不義の性的関係(a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship)...
【名詞】1通常秘密の、あるいは不義の性的関係(a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship)...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/03/10 04:48 UTC 版)Sexual relationship disorder is a disorder where a person has...
名詞new relationship energy (uncountable)An emotionally heightened state of mind experienced at the be...
語源semi- +‎ single形容詞semi-single (not comparable)More or less single; not in a serious long-ter...
読み方:さんにんこん文法情報(名詞)対訳 ménage à trois; three-way sexual relationship...
読み方:さんにんこん文法情報(名詞)対訳 ménage à trois; three-way sexual relationship...
読み方:いんぎんをつうじる文法情報(表現、動詞一段活用)対訳 to have a surreptitious sexual relationship with; to have an illicit ...
読み方:いんぎんをつうじる文法情報(表現、動詞一段活用)対訳 to have a surreptitious sexual relationship with; to have an illicit ...
【名詞】1男性との性的な関係に従う少年(a boy who submits to a sexual relationship with a man)...

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