英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


訳語 three o'clock in the afternoon;three in the afternoon;3 p.m....
I forgot about time until three o'clock at night....
【副詞】o'clock時計によって(according to the clock)it's three o'clock in Tokyo now 現在、東京は3時である...
【副詞】o'clock時計によって(according to the clock)it's three o'clock in Tokyo now 現在、東京は3時である...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/02/23 19:48 UTC 版)Three O'Clock High is the soundtrack to the movie Three O'Clo...
I couldn't sleep until about three o'clock last night, but it seems like I slept well after that....
語源three +‎ -ish名詞threeish (uncountable)(colloquial) Any time close to three o'clock.アナグラムetherish, t...
名詞three o'clock (uncountable)(In both the 12-hour clock かつ the 24-hour clock) The start of the fourt...
【副詞】1時計によって(according to the clock)it's three o'clock in Tokyo now 現在、東京は3時である...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/03/12 08:24 UTC 版)"Three O’clock in the Morning" is a popular good-night waltz....

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