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「Holy Bible」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/966件中)

別の表記first fruit, first-fruit語源From Middle English firste fruyt, equivalent to first +‎ fruit.名...
Commons:CategoryWikimedia Commons has more media related to:Holy Spirit語源 1From Late Middle English ...
語源Borrowed from Hebrew עדריאל‎ (“flock of God”).固有名詞AdrielA male given name from Hebrew.1611, ...
語源Babylon +‎ -ish形容詞Babylonish (comparative more Babylonish, superlative most Babylonish)Of or...
語源abide +‎ -eth動詞abideth(archaic) third-person singular simple present indicative form of abid...
名詞bakemeatsplural of bakemeat1611, The Holy Bible, […] (King James Version), imprinted at Londo...
別の表記beganst語源began +‎ -est動詞begannest(archaic) second-person singular simple past form of begi...
語源behold +‎ -eth動詞beholdeth(archaic) third-person singular simple present indicative form of b...
語源bride +‎ chamber名詞bridechamber (複数形 bridechambers)The nuptial apartment.1611, The Holy Bible...
語源command +‎ -eth動詞commandeth(archaic) third-person singular simple present indicative form of...

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