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「Old Dutch」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/1559件中)

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/07/07 12:30 UTC 版)Old Saxon, also known as Old Low German, is the earliest reco...
語源From earlier Antiquo-Willamowicz, from Medieval Latin Vilamovice Nova, ultimately of Germanic, pos...
語源From Dutch binnen (“inside”) + kil (“creek”).名詞binnekill (複数形 binnekills)(US, local to Catskil...
語源From Middle English frendlyhed, equivalent to friendly +‎ -head. Cognate with Dutch vriendel...
別の表記canting語源From Javanese [Term?], in Old Dutch orthography.名詞tjanting (複数形 tjantings)A pen-like to...
語源From Dutch vendu, from Old French vendre, from Latin vēndere.名詞vendue (複数形 vendues)A public auctio...
語源From water +‎ land. Cognate with Old Frisian waterland, weterlond, Middle Low German waterla...
語源From the old idea that a new wreath was added to its casque every year. Compare Dutch jaarvogel.名詞...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/18 11:58 UTC 版)Abraham de Revier, Sr. was the first elder of the Old Dutch C...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/03 17:24 UTC 版)Anna Bijns (1493 in Antwerp, Belgium – 1575 in Antwerp) was a...

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