英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


名詞man of the cloth (複数形 men of the cloth)A male member of the clergy.Synonym: clergyman...
名詞man of the frock (複数形 men of the frock)A (male) reverend, a clergyman.関連する語man of God...
名詞nonintrusionism (uncountable)(historical) A policy of nonintrusion (opposition to the appointment ...
読み方:ぼくし文法情報(名詞、形容詞相当語句/ノ形容詞)対訳 pastor; minister; clergyman; reverend...
読み方:せいしょくしゃ文法情報(名詞)対訳 clergyman; churchman; clergy...
音節cl.《略語》 centiliter(s); claim; class; classification; clause; clergyman; clerk; cloth....
【形容詞】1聖職禄があるさま(having a benefice)a beneficed clergyman 禄付きの牧師...
【名詞】1施設付きの聖職者(a clergyman ministering to some institution)...
【名詞】1修道会の牧師か他の人(a clergyman or other person in religious orders)...
【名詞】1修道会の牧師か他の人(a clergyman or other person in religious orders)...

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