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「many colors」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/250件中)

読み方:あやなす綾なす、操す とも書く(1)文法情報(動詞サ行五段活用、他動詞)対訳 to decorate with many bright colours (colors); to create ...
読み方:あやなす綾なす、操す とも書く(1)文法情報(動詞サ行五段活用、他動詞)対訳 to decorate with many bright colours (colors); to create ...
読み方:あやなす綾なす、操す とも書く(1)文法情報(動詞サ行五段活用、他動詞)対訳 to decorate with many bright colours (colors); to create ...
対訳 16 進値解説A value that follows a format of 4 channels--including an alpha channel--and is composed i...
【名詞】1多くの色の華やかな花を持つ、レリア属の各種の華々しい植物の総称(any of various spectacular plants of the genus Laelia having sh...
【名詞】laelia多くの色の華やかな花を持つ、レリア属の各種の華々しい植物の総称(any of various spectacular plants of the genus Laelia havi...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/12/23 05:27 UTC 版)Cave popcorn, or cave coral, is a very common cave formation....
【名詞】1多様で非常に数の多いオドントグロッサム属のランで、少数から多数の華やかで通常大きく色とりどりの花の総状花序を持つ(any of numerous and diverse orchids of...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/24 18:23 UTC 版)In chemistry, chromism is a process that induces a change, of...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/12/03 06:37 UTC 版)Petunidin (Pt) is an O-methylated anthocyanidin. It is a natu...

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