英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「mental ability」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/731件中)

【名詞】brain, learning ability, mentality, mental capacity, wit, brainpower知能(mental ability)he's got p...
【名詞】brain, learning ability, mentality, mental capacity, wit, brainpower知能(mental ability)he's got p...
【名詞】brain, learning ability, mentality, mental capacity, wit, brainpower知能(mental ability)he's got p...
【名詞】brain, learning ability, mentality, mental capacity, wit, brainpower知能(mental ability)he's got p...
【名詞】brain, learning ability, mentality, mental capacity, wit, brainpower知能(mental ability)he's got p...
名詞sheltered workshop (複数形 sheltered workshops)(sociology) A place where persons with limited mental ...
【名詞】1物や出来事の心的イメージを形成する能力(the ability to form mental images of things or events)...
【名詞】1物や出来事の心的イメージを形成する能力(the ability to form mental images of things or events)...
1暗算例文mental arithmetic2頭の中でした計算例文mental arithmetic3暗算.例文mental arithmetic4精神の養い例文mental pabulum5心の糧 ...
1精神の養い例文mental pabulum2心の糧 《書物など》.例文mental pabulum3精神の糧例文mental pabulum4精神錯乱.例文mental derangement5抽象...

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