英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「native land」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/1604件中)

名詞native title (usually uncountable, 複数形 native titles)(law) A legal doctrine that recognises Aborig...
1地勢; 情勢, 形勢, 事態.例文the lay of the land2休閑地.例文land in fallow3土地を耕す.例文plow the land4【聖書】 聖約の地.例文the Lan...
名詞rezzy (複数形 rezzies)(US, slang) Clipping of reservation (“tract of land set apart for native pe...
読み方:きゅうこく(1)文法情報(名詞)対訳 ancient nation (2)文法情報(名詞)対訳 homeland; one's native land; birthplace...
読み方:きゅうこく(1)文法情報(名詞)対訳 ancient nation (2)文法情報(名詞)対訳 homeland; one's native land; birthplace...
【名詞】country of origin, motherland, native land, homeland, mother country, fatherlandあなたが生まれた国(the co...
【名詞】country of origin, motherland, native land, homeland, mother country, fatherlandあなたが生まれた国(the co...
【名詞】country of origin, motherland, native land, homeland, mother country, fatherlandあなたが生まれた国(the co...
【名詞】country of origin, motherland, native land, homeland, mother country, fatherlandあなたが生まれた国(the co...
1私の故国例文my native land2相手がいる土地例文your land3我が国例文our country4私有の土地例文land that is private property5ある土地例...

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