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「present arms」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/594件中)

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/06/30 23:27 UTC 版)Timothy Hugh Stewart Duke is an officer of arms at the Colleg...
1干戈を執って起つ例文to rise in arms2干戈{かんか}を執って起つ例文to rise in arms3武勲.例文deeds of arms4干戈を動かす例文to take up arms...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/30 07:03 UTC 版)John Writhe (died 1504) was a long-serving English officer of...
1武勲.例文deeds of arms2ほっそりした腕例文slender arms3武器を携帯する.例文carry arms4(洋服の)袖裏例文the lining of the arms5強力な兵器...
1干戈を動かす例文to take up arms2兵馬を動かす例文to take up arms3干戈を取る例文to take up arms4兵を挙げる例文to take up arms5銃を組む例...
The mantling around this coat of arms is grey and red (gules).動詞mantlingpresent participle of mantle...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/01/11 00:05 UTC 版)The Coat of arms of Bradford City Council was granted in 1976...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/23 19:13 UTC 版)The coat of arms of Bucharest is the heraldic symbol standing...
1いい道具.例文good tools2道具があたりに散らばっていた.例文Tools lay about.3使いやすい道具例文a handy tool4便利な道具.例文a handy tool5道具を備...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2015/04/24 19:20 UTC 版)動詞stiff-armsthird-person singular simple present indicative ...

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