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「straight out」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/4770件中)

Please point it out to me straight away if there are any grammatical errors in my words....
I'm going to ask you straight out. Who do you like better, Tom or me?...
You don't have to leave me hanging like this. Why don't you just come out and tell it to me straight...
訳語 We hit it off from the day we met and went straight out for drinks together...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2017/03/12 14:07 UTC 版)名詞back straight (複数形 back straights)(athletics, horse racing...
名詞straight arch (複数形 straight arches)A form of arch in which the intrados is straight, but with its ...
読み方:けつろんからいうと文法情報(表現)対訳 going straight to the point; cutting it short; as it turns out...
読み方:けつろんからいうと文法情報(表現)対訳 going straight to the point; cutting it short; as it turns out...
【動詞】even, even out, flush, level水平にするあるいは直線にする(make level or straight)level the ground 地ならしをする...
名詞home straight (複数形 home straights)(athletics) The straight part of a running track (または similar) l...

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