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「trigger signal」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/124件中)

1驚く, 警戒する.例文take alarm2警急ラッパを吹く例文to sound the alarm3非常喇叭を吹く例文to sound the alarm4太鼓で警報する.例文beat an al...
1周波数弁別器例文a frequency discriminator2周波数依存コンダクタンス例文frequency-dependent conductance3連動式信号, 連鎖信号.例文inter...
1信号符例文a signal code2信号で伝達する.例文communicate by [through, with] signs3信号装置によって運ぶ、情報の例文convey by semapho...
1希望の信号の振幅レベル例文the amplitude level of the desired signal2ブランド志向のレベル例文the levels of brand loyalty3形象信号...
1信号強度の雑音強度に対する比例文the ratio of signal intensity to noise intensity2送られた信号の聞こえる部分例文the audible part of...
語源pre- +‎ signal形容詞presignal (not comparable)Before a signal.1959, Massachusetts Inst...
形容詞on-brand (comparative more on-brand, superlative most on-brand)(marketing) Serving the public ima...
1警告反応という生体反応例文a physical reaction inside a living body, called an alarm reaction2反応例文reaction3警告メッセー...
形容詞signaletic (comparative more signaletic, superlative most signaletic)(criminology, historical...
1反応例文reaction2反応を誘発する例文trigger a reaction3誘導された反応例文an elicited response4熱心な反応例文an enthusiastic respo...

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