英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「very fine」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(21~30/8531件中)

形容詞eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious (comparative more eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious, superlative most...
語源A play on both senses of fine, and the idea that frogs' hairs (since they have none) must be very ...
名詞hair stroke (複数形 hair strokes)(printing) A fine line drawn out at the top or bottom of a letter.A ...
語源micro- +‎ crystallography名詞microcrystallography (uncountable)crystallography of microcrystal...
語源micro- +‎ distinction名詞microdistinction (複数形 microdistinctions)A very fine or minor distinct...
語源micro- +‎ electrospray名詞microelectrospray (複数形 microelectrosprays)An electrospray that creat...
語源micro- +‎ granulometer名詞microgranulometer (複数形 microgranulometers)A granulometer that can me...
語源micro- +‎ screen名詞microscreen (複数形 microscreens)A screen (filter) that has a very fine mesh...
語源micro- +‎ serration名詞microserration (複数形 microserrations)Very fine (small-scale) serration...
語源micro- +‎ spray名詞microspray (複数形 microsprays)A spray (of liquid) from a very fine nozzle...

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