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「bubble bath」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(31~40/43件中)

語源From squid +‎ -ling.名詞squidling (複数形 squidlings)A small or young squid.2005, Celeste Walters...
1浴槽の湯に入れる特殊化粧品例文a soap that is put in bath water2洗濯せっけん例文washing soap―laundry soap3せっけんで手を洗う.例文wash ...
1石けんの泡例文bubbles of soap2シャボン玉例文a soap bubble3せっけん製造例文soap-boiling4シャボン玉を吹く.例文blow soap bubbles5薄片状の石...
語源From Middle English luflynes; equivalent to lovely +‎ -ness.発音enPR: lŭv′lēnəs, IPA(key): ...
1ねえ君[あなた] 《妻・恋人などへの呼び掛け》.例文(my) honey2気泡例文an air bubble3(作物を)実らせる例文bear (a crop)4<Simon, Samuel).例文l...
1せっけん水で.例文in soap and water2せっけん水.例文soapy water3水を割った火酒例文brandy and water4水を割ったブランデイ例文brandy and wat...
1マルセル石鹸という石鹸例文a soap called {Marseilles soap}2せっけん水例文soap-suds―lather3せっけん製造例文soap-boiling4せっけん製造所例文...
1マルセル石鹸という石鹸例文a soap called {Marseilles soap}2化粧石鹸という顔や体を洗うための石鹸例文soap for washing the face and body...
1心膜腔例文pericardial space2液体にしずませる例文submerge in a liquid3濃い粘稠液例文a thick viscous liquid4こぼれた液体例文liquid ...
1燃えたろうそくの明かり例文the light provided by a burning candle2気泡消火器という消火器例文a fire extinguisher called bubble ...

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