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「collective farm」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(31~40/100件中)

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/06/29 23:37 UTC 版)The Volkseigenes Gut (German for People-Owned Property; abbre...
1農場を経営する例文to manage a farm2農場を経営する人例文a person who operates a farm3農場を経営する.例文run [keep] a farm4中規模経営の...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/28 15:08 UTC 版)Chip Lord is an American Digital Media artist currently teach...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/20 18:06 UTC 版)The Life and Labor Commune was a Tolstoyan agricultural commu...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/11/19 15:42 UTC 版)Valdgeym (Russian: Валдгейм; Yiddish: װאלדהײם, Valdheym), als...
1養鶏場例文a chicken ranch2農場に家畜を入れる例文stock a farm3辺鄙な農場例文an outlying farm4馬が育てられている農場例文a farm where hors...
1小規模農場主.例文a small farmer2小さな農場の農夫例文a farmer on a small farm3中規模経営の農家例文a farm of medium-scale4農場主例文fa...
1養鶏場例文a chicken ranch2鹿柴という,鹿を飼っておく園例文a park in which deer are kept3養鶏場.例文a poultry walk4馬が育てられている農場...
1農場主例文farmer2農園の所有者、経営者例文the owner or manager of a plantation3専業農家例文a full-time farmer4零細な農家例文a pett...
1農場労働者例文a farm help2牧場労働者例文a ranch hand3農場労働者.例文a farm hand4専業農家例文a full-time farmer5農場主例文farmer6農村労...

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