英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「something new」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(31~40/12428件中)

1張り替える例文to put a new cover on something...
読み方:いまでき文法情報(名詞)対訳 something new (of poor quality)...
読み方:いまでき文法情報(名詞)対訳 something new (of poor quality)...
I prefer a life in which I challenge myself to something new everyday....
Every time I read this book, I find something new....
Every time I read this book, I find something new....
Complaining about something is one way to adapt yourself to a new environment....
1新しい見方をする.例文see something in a new light2(広告で)新しい観点例文a new point of view...
1張り替える例文to put a new cover on something2ぺたぺたする例文to slap repeatedly3物を張り付ける例文to stick something on...
読み方:しんちょう(1)文法情報(名詞、サ変名詞、他動詞、形容詞相当語句/ノ形容詞)対訳 making (a new suit, dress, etc.); having (something) ma...

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