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「avoirdupois weight」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(41~50/89件中)

1体重例文one's weight2過度な体重例文excess bodily weight3積荷目録の記録例文record in a ship's manifest4記録例文a record5記録係例...
語源Latin centum (“a hundred”) +‎ -al, perhaps modeled after quintal.発音韻: -ɛntəl名詞cental (複数形 ce...
語源From Middle English fotmal, from 古期英語 fōtmǣl (“step by step”, literally “foot-measure”), equivalen...
音節dram 発音記号/drm/【名詞】【可算名詞】1ドラム 《略 dr.》:a(常衡 (avoirdupois) で) 1/16 ounce; =27.343 grains,1.771 grams....
【動詞】hypertrophy異常発達を経る(undergo hypertrophy)muscles can hypertrophy when people take steroids 人々がステロイ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/07/28 16:10 UTC 版)Long ton (weight ton or imperial ton) is the name for the uni...
1低能児例文a backward child2畸形児例文a deformed child3死胎児例文a still-born child4児泣飢例文My child with hunger cries...
1起磁力の測定単位例文a unit of measurement of magnetomotive force2斤とうい,重さの尺貫法単位例文a Japanese unit of weight, ca...
1モル濃度という濃度表示法例文a method for indicating density, called molarity2式量濃度という,溶液の濃度例文the concentration of ...
1彼女、太ってきたね。例文She is gaining weight.2彼女、太ったね。例文She gained weight.3彼女がすごく太った。例文She was very fat.4彼女は太り...

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